HOME~AKC group: Terrier~West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier

English name: West Highland White Terrier
German name: West Highland White Terrier
AKC group: Terrier, FCI group 32 No. 85

#Club name
1Of Marzipan
2Puerto Anfy
3Sunshine Celebration
5West Highland White Terrier - Zo Zlatej Zahrady
6Westie Info
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DOGS (7)
#SexDog nameOwner
2fCharisma Of Surprise
3mMagic Eight Some Reel vom Marchengar
4fRitchies Orient TanameraRohl
5mUn Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor
6mVladimir de la MaisonetteRohl
7mWest Highland White Terrier
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ADS (2)
If you want to sell or buy puppies, place your ad here.
#Date addedEmailPhone,
Westhighland White terrier - Zo Zlatej Zahrady
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22005-09-13sunshine_celebration@hotmail.com00421/903/202 995
Westie pedigree puppies are available on 24 th September 2005, parents champions - excellent quality
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