HOME~Original name, L~Langhaariger Schottischer Sch


English name: Collie - long-haired
German name: Langhaariger Schottischer Sch
AKC group: Sporting, FCI group 11 No. 156

#Club name
1Hungarian British Sheepdog-Club
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DOGS (16)
#SexDog nameOwner
1fAsta KariGyureov
3mKutrin AlileijonamieliSusanna Savela
4fPrince of Sunlight Agame Arielle
5fPrince of Sunlight Black Charm Ciwtiwa CJozsef Szalczinger
6fPrince of Sunlight Black HurricanJozsef Szalczinger
7fPrince of Sunlight Clear Blue Cleopatra
8fPrince of Sunlight Delightful Dark DollyJozsef Szalczinger
9fPrince of Sunlight Gold ImpalaJozsef Szalczinger
10fPrince of Sunlight Golden EvitaJozsef Szalczinger
11fPrince of Sunlight Key to my HeartJozsef Szalczinger
12fPrince of Sunlight Kiss of the SkyB
13mPrince of Sunlight Knight of MagicB
14fPrince of Sunlight Love at First SightJozsef Szalczinger
15fPrince of Sunlight Material GirlB
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ADS (1)
If you want to sell or buy puppies, place your ad here.
#Date addedEmailPhone
Very promising,Gold-Sable collie puppies for sale,from english lines in Hungary.Their father is SAMHAVEN ADDICTED TO LOVE,english import dog ,who lives in France.Their mother is HJCh Prince of Sunlight Love at First Sight,Youth-Club Star '03,Youth ClubWinner '03,3xHPJ,CAC,BOB,Res.CAC tricolour bitch.Please visit our homepage: or write us a mail.
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