#Club name 1Hovawart klub 2Slovensk
#SexDog nameOwner 1mAFRIC ZelenHana Jemelkov 2fAgaia Victoria BrunensisMartina Bab 3fAlma StarIng. Ivan Hirner 4mAron RakPlavec Martin 5mAZEROTH Biely demonZdeno Meravy 6fCORINA ZO 7mDrakles Evil EilleenSkvarilova Elena 8fEli 9fInVojtech Horv
#Date addedEmailPhone 12006-03-20jelinek.jmb@seznam.cz+420 602574225 ProdEdit / Delete22005-12-09l.kolencik@zoznam.sk041 903 724 137 puppies, steniatka s PP - hovawartEdit / Delete32005-08-05chochula01@stonline.sk0911447801 Hovawart - predEdit / Delete
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